Pr A. GHAHREMAN has implemented a major scientific project for the ‎preservation of a unique environment: Qeshm Island's mangrove marine forests ‎located between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman (Iran).

The project is being set up to prevent the whole scale destruction of this rare and ‎very fragile ecosystem, and to establish a strict protection of this humid area and ‎also to improve the growth of these mangrove forests.

In 1991, Pr Ghahreman, for the first time in Iran, harvested propagules (a certain ‎type of Mangrove tree seeds) and sowed them on the island seashore. This project is ‎the result of collaboration between « Qeshm Organisation Free Zone » as well as ‎students and villagers involved in the project.‎

Since then every year, the operation was successfully repeated thanks to the ‎significant impact observed on those marine forests and the rural income ‎enhancement.‎



