One of the original Iranian ecosystem features is from tropical mangrove forests, a place for multitude of rare species living. Mangrove forests are incessantly exposed to tide, interface between land and water, between fresh and salt water. (Tidal currents result from the ebb and flow of the tide.) . When occurs sea tide flow, trees and their sludge-beds, come out of the water, and figure as scattered islets.And during the sea ebb, all the forests disappear beneath the water.

Mangrove is living under stringent conditions, especially with loose, oxygen-lean , and also a high salinity soil; however these some peculiar mangrove trees have already adjusted to these constraints. 

Mangrove belongs to the large Avicenniaceae family, thus named in honour of Avicenna, the great mediaeval Persian scientist, physician and translator of Aristotle. Grey mangrove, known scientifically as avicennia marina, whose seeds germinate and grow up directly on the mother plant, is the most widespread plant of Iranian mangrove. It's characterized by its great resistance to climate change and surrounding salinity. 

Mangrove tree quickly multiplies and growes up to wooded formations around the shoreline, but even with all this, mangrove ressources are subjected to intense exploitation with irreparable damage to this unique environment.

Many species of marine animals, crustaceans, molluscs, reptiles, birds and even mammals inhabit the iranian mangrove forest.It's a privileged place for Gulf of Oman and Persic Gulf fishes,coming ther to spawn.A mangrove frequently encountered fish,called Periophthalmus, has developped peculiar fins, giving itself the opportunity to get out of the water and move on land.It can can survive for extended periods out of water ! Mangroves ensures important shrimps and marine turtles stocks.Sea serpents live in mangrove ,some of which very venomous.

But the most interestings mangrove animals is a variety of migratory birds, with some of them being in danger of extinction, coming in search of winter to these mild climate forests. Furthermore, some birds of prey and some sea birds, endemic in the region, spend part of their lifecycle in the mangrove forest. At all, more than one hundred species of birds are dependent on mangrove. That's hundreds of rare species living space and can be regarded as "marine sensitive areas". This whole region has been classified as "World Reserve Environment" by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

